

The first-ever, world-premiere San Jose Rock n Roll Half Marathon, was a stunning success! Well, at least I think it was. I eagerly sauntered to the start line this morning with 15,000 of my fellow running enthusiasts. After the Mermaid, I felt so good I told everyone that I must not be trying hard enough because I don't seem to get sore. I credited lots of use of Amino Vital recovery juice, streching, and adequate preparation. All those things are great, but as it turns out I was right, I just wasn't trying hard enough. I know that now because I busted my butt today out there and OH do I feel it right now! I'm almost as sore as the time I did a squat workout with TB, and I walked funny for days after that.

Now that I have a couple of pretty much all standard running distances under my belt, I'm trying to PR those distances. In 2005, I did San Francisco in just over 2 and a half hours, so for this much flatter distance I told myself I would try to break two hours, which is not very impressive for a half marathon, but I think it's respectable. I just wanted a "1" at the front of my time. Did I do it? I'm not sure! I hit my stopwatch as my timing chip and I crossed the start line, and as I panted across the finish it was 1:59 and some numbers at the end I didn't catch. So I'll have to check the results online and find out. They're supposed to be up later tonight.

The best part of this race was having friends there, too. JNC and her cousin Michelle came down to do the half, their first for both, and both of them finished WAY ahead of their goal time. After I finished, I circled back to find JNC and ran the last mile or so with her. I've known JNC long enough to know that there are sometimes that she doesn't need to see your peppy side, and after 12 miles of running is one of those times. She was in her zone, and we quietly jogged through the last mile of pain together. I was really excited to be able to run the last part of it with her. The fatigue I'd felt the last few miles the first time was gone because I was there to support a friend - it wasn't about me the second time I crossed the finish line.

I will say this for those P.F. Chang folks, they put on a seriously organized race. There were plenty of porta-potties, and the carrel system worked really well. The post-finish line setup was perfect: cold water, get your chip removed, photos, more drinks, carbs and fruit. The gear check lines were short and all the volunteers were great. I'd definitely do this one again, except now I'll have an even shorter time to beat!

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