
The Redhead's Big Gay Weekend

It's off to the races this weekend. The gay races, that is. Spending the last three summers in school meant I was always too busy to spend a day at SF Pride. Now that I'm done there's no way I'm missing SF's best party of the year.

I'll be JNC's "plus one" at brunch at her friend's place near the Castro where we'll watch the Pride Parade on tv. It's best to have cute girls like us locked up when the Dykes on Bikes kick off the parade. Once the parade is over we'll be off to flout the open container laws and generally cause havoc. Hopefully we'll meet up with FML for hijinks. FML is my favorite daytime drinking buddy, and the way he says "cocktail" send shivers up my spine, even if he is a Republican.

I like going to gay events with JNC because it avoids any awkardness if hit on by another woman. God forbid I should actually have to explain, "You gays throw a great party, but I actually like boys..." It's a lot easier to travel with JNC and since we grump at each other like an old couple and don't really observe personal space restrictions, we easily pass as bi-racial Sapphic twins.

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