
Good news from Oodles, who was accepted into the Teaching Credential program at SF State. Oodles likes to play her cards close to her chest, so there have been many occasions when I haven't seen her in a few months and she's made huge, life-altering decisions that leave me and the rest to the Ya Ya's reeling. I'm glad she has a blog or I'd be even more out of the loop!

Thanks to budget cuts, she is losing her job in public health, but she has chosen to turn this into an opportunity to follow a dream into reality. If only we could all be so brave!

After watching (yes, I admit it!) Anderson Cooper's super-special Angelina Jolie interview, I want to quit my job and go work in African refugee camps. Preferably with Angelina. Well, ok I want to BE Angelina... alright, fine, I want to be Lara Croft. Anyway, aside from my loosening grip on reality and her fabulous legs, celebrities taking on "causes" always seems kind of ridiculous to me. The Jessica Simpson in Africa debacle was so cringe-worthy I couldn't un-hunch my shoulders for a week. But I have to give Angelina some props for using her celebrity to try to make a difference. I don't think the average People reader was quite prepared for the horrific stories and footage. She's using her celebrity to try to make a difference, and I have to say I admire her for trying to make a difference.

Now, if she was going to be a teach an elementary bilingual class, I'd be really impressed. But not everyone can be as cool as Oodles. Not even Angelina Jolie!

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