
Naked Quidditch, anyone?

Saw the latest Harry Potter flick last night. I'm sure been unable to avoid the massive amounts of publicity and probably already know that it's a "darker," more "serious" story that previous Potter tales. But let me tell you something that you're not going to find in every review. The young Mr. Daniel Radcliffe, who plays HP? Uh, he has officially reached "hot." That's right, ladies, it's Potter Puberty and it is delicious. First off, he's clearly been working out because you can really see some nice muscle development in the arms and chest. Also, he's got this brooding thing going on. Like Heathcliff with a wand. Plus, if you know anything about these books, you know he's totally emotionally damaged. Sign me up!

Never thought I would perv out on Harry Potter, but I guess this is what my thirties is going to be like. Of course, he's not actually 18 yet, so before you book a ticket to London, please take note:

Inspired by the blog of the brilliant Michelle Collins, who found Potter more attractive a few years before I began to get comfortable with the idea.

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