
Judging! I'm judging!

This crazy bitch just had her seventeenth kid. People. That is NUTS. That family should be fined by the EPA because having ten kids is about the worst thing you can do for the planet right now. I could drive a Hummer on a 100 miles roundtrip commute every day for a month and not pollute as much as that that family does in a day. The article estimates they have gone through 90,000 diapers. WHY DO YOU HATE THE PLANET? Nevermind the diapers, the empty baby food jars, crazy plastic crap, what about the fact that all these kids are going to grow up and all drive Tahoes and have huge refrigerators and probably another 10 kids each! I'm so pissed off about the environmental impact that I don't even want to start on how you could not possibly be an adequate parent to this many children. Check out the "fun facts" about this insanity on the Discovery channel site about the family... who are now getting their own show, of course.

It blows me away that people make fun of Brangelina for adopting kids from third world countries and applaud crazy right wing crackers who don't know how to use a condom. You want to experience the joy of creating life (cue sounds of angels singing)...? Great, but stop at two! That's the population replacement rate!

First executive act by my future presidency: free sterilization to anyone who wants it. With extra clinics in Little Rock, because apparently they are confused.


Anonymous said...

Hear! Hear!
The rednecks are breeding! The rednecks are breeding! Oh, why don't they stop??
I guess it's trailers and babies over learning and reading.

Anonymous said...

Pumpkin for president!!!

Good luck convincing the rest of the U.S. though - it is so sad how our country's public policy encourages unlimited reproduction. Tax breaks, anyone? Grrr.

The Redhead said...

I knew you'd love that, CMW. Move to the bay area, where there are more people like us!

Cindy said...

Sorry, late comer to the comments section (but I LOVE it!). Did you read that this woman has been pg for 10.5 years of her life? And, she and her DH said they want more and hope God blesses them. Am I the only one hoping that God blesses them with separate beds and DVD player? For the love of humanity, pick a new hobby people!

The Redhead said...

I know! Between the home-schooling and doing laundry, how do they even have TIME for sex?

Brighter Schemata said...

did you see "idiocracy"? if not, you have to go out and rent it this instant.

Anonymous said...

i can understand if you like to have sex. I don't understand where in the bible it says you have to wear a mullet and girls can't wear pants.