
I have recently sold a couple of pieces of furniture on craigslist to make way for JFJ's stuff. All in all, it's been a good experience, validating my belief that most people in this this world are honest and good folk who are just trying to get by.

This experience also validated my belief that there are a lot of really, really dumb people out there. I posted an ad for my dining room table, including several photographs, the dimensions and my own assessment of the table's condition. The price? $40.

Here is a sampling of the questions I received about the dining room table:

"How big is it?"
The dimensions are on the ad.

"Can you deliver it to Fremont?"
Yes, and just like a furniture store, there will be a delivery fee. My delivery fee is $850. When would you like me to come by?

"I live in San Jose and I don't know Santa Cruz very well. I'm afraid I might get lost. Can you meet me halfway?"
The fact that you have chosen to live in a crockpot of a suburb which has the housing costs of Manhattan and the cultural benefits of Topeka is entirely your responsibility. The fact that you cannot find your way out of it is just sad.

"What if I come look at it and decide I don't want it?"
Then you'll have to give me your firstborn, who I will sell to the gypsies at a handsome profit.

"Will it fit in my kitchen?"
Yes. Absolutely.

"Will it fit in my Prius?"
Do you actually want to know that, or did you just want to call someone to tell them you drive a Prius?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh - I totally needed that today!

[Says she who is about to move to a crockpot of a suburb which has the housing costs of Manhattan and the cultural benefits of Topeka. Oh god, that makes me so sad.]

Laura said...

"I live in San Jose and I don't know Santa Cruz very well. I'm afraid I might get lost. Can you meet me halfway?"

Um, this just screams "meet me at the secondary crime scene" to me. Yikes!!!

The Redhead said...

Laura, you are all about the secondary crime scene.

Anonymous said...

friggin' self-righteous Prius owners...