
I went running along the bluffs at Wilder Ranch last night, the first time I've been running in a while and although it was rough, it felt good. Wilder is an incredible place to run, the birds coast along the cliff right next to you and the surf crashes on the rocks below. JFJ met me at the turnaround point and we ran back together. He spotted some otters in the surf and we stopped to watch them. They would dive for shellfish and when they came back up, we could hear them pounding their dinner on a rock to open the shell. The sun sparkled off the waves as the otters frolicked and the pelicans dove into the water. I thought about how lucky I was to live here, with this incredible scenery and wildlife practically at my doorstep.

On the way home we ran into some traffic downtown, which turned out to be caused by a streetfight and some kid almost got thrown on the hood of my car. It appeared to have originated in a neighborhood dive bar (the Asti, aka "the nasty") and the kid's girlfriend (?) was screaming and crying hysterically as two guys chased the kid into traffic and across the street. Without even thinking I did my three-step "trouble" check: Doors locked? Check. Phone in hand? Check. Taser in console? Check.

Bliss shattered? Check.

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