
Update on dangerous driving

So I was telling the "crazy driver" story to JFJ and when I got to the part about me prancing toward the coffee shop and making eye contact, he's like, "Oh that guy must have been freaking out!" I was expecting to be told I should have run for my life, so this kind of stopped me in my tracks.


"He totally thought you were coming in there to yell at him."

"Well, maybe, but why was he clutching the card rack, looking like an 8-year-old who's just been told they're going to Azkaban?"

"Are you serious? Guys are terrified of getting yelled at by a woman in public."

"What are you talking about?"

"That's the worst thing! If it was two guys, they'll stand there in the parking lot and yell at each other all day. But a woman you don't know, just coming up to you and letting you have it? Ooohhh..." his voice just kind of fades out, and he shakes his head and shudders.

This really threw me. I was scared of the bald, angry driver. Unfortunately, women are used to seeing every unknown man as a potential predator. And, you know, he's bigger. The idea that he was freaked was, frankly, wildly amusing.

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