
She's baaaaack!

I had the pleasure of hosting Katie on Tuesday evening as she made her way down from Alameda to SoCal. This was her first visit home after moving to Australia, and she was on her way down to a friend's wedding in LA.

She's eating as much Mexican food as she can while she's in California, so I took her to Olitas, one of the few places on the wharf where the food is as good as the view (Riva's being the other). She knew exactly what to go for - note the empty glass of sangria in the foreground. As you can see, Katie has not lost ANY of her enthusiasm for food! After dinner we went over to Red for a cocktail and then to the local adult store, Camouflage to stock up for Valentine's Day, her friend's bachelorette party and her upcoming booty call with the Aryan Science Experiment ("ASE"). The ASE was one of the dive instructors on our boat on the Great Barrier Reef. Katie took one look at him, licked her lips and called dibs. She's going to visit him in March to make sure his six-pack is still there.

It was a brief visit but Katie is one of those friends who you can not see for yonks and when you finally get together, it's like you hung out yesterday. She'll be back in August for her sister's wedding, so I'm hoping I can get her down here again, maybe have a beach-themed Ya Ya event in Santa Cruz. In the 15 hours she was here we ate a ton of food, had sangria and cocktails, and spent too much money on sex toys. I think it's safe to say she'll be back.

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