
Gobble Gobble

Thanksgiving began at 6:30am when Rhubarb's alarm went off and I thought to myself, "I wonder if I could convince her we should give the race a miss and just go out for dim sum instead?" I managed to keep my mouth shut and we made it out to Ocean Beach for the Turkey Trot. We had both been poo-pooing a 10k, figuring we'd been running enough half marathons to say, "I don't get out of bed for less than 10 miles." But I've always wanted to do a Turkey Trot, and when I heard there were costumes I was sold. A turkey started off the race, and the idea was to catch up to the turkey. As you can see, we eventually suceeded, albeit at the end of the race. I'm not sure who the little munchkins are in the picture, we just got tired of waiting for them to clear out and instead hustled in on their turkey for a photo op. Anyway, about the costumes. There were some folks dressed up as pilgrims, and then there were some folks dressed up as things that would be slaughtered by pilgrims (turkeys and Native Americans). There was even a cow with a sign that read, "Eat more turkee." I hope she saves the sign and does the run formerly-known-as The Run to the Far Side. Good Far Side themed costume, even if the run is no longer associated with the comic. So the measely 6 miles feels longer on sand. I forgot how much I feel like a toddler when I run on the beach. The instability is a little odd.

After the race, we proceeded to Boo's place where she had cooked up a fine breakfast indeed. I'm talking mimosas, pancakes, bacon (sweeeeet delicious bacon!), fruit and scrambled eggs. She even heated the gourmet maple syrup. I ate my weight in breakfast, way more calories than I burned during the run. But I figure, if you can't be fat and happy on Thanksgiving, when can you?

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