
When parents age: a true phone conversation.

"Hi, mom, did you feel the earthquake?"

"No, no I don't have time right now. It will have to wait until the weekend."


"I have too much to do. It's been a very busy week."

"Did you hear what I said?"


"What did you think I asked you?"

"I thought you asked if I'd set up the new phone."

"I asked if you'd felt the earthquake."

"There was an earthquake!?"


Anonymous said...

ah, yes. We all experience this with our parents to some degree. I once asked my Dad how he was enjoying retirement - he said they didn't have the size he was looking for so he'd just have to use the chains instead.

Laura said...

Yes parents are crazy. My dad called me at work last week to tell me 1) that my dog was out of shape 2) that I was out of toilet paper in both my upstairs and downstairs bathrooms and 3) did I need him to go get more toilet paper at the store? OMG.