
It's not just pants, it's shorts and skirts, too.

I am doing my favorite dance, the I-Still-Don't-Have-Any-Pants-On-And-I-Have-To-Leave-For-Work-In-Five-Minutes Dance.

JFJ: You really don't like to wear pants, do you?

I shake both head and booty enthusiastically, no.

Me: I wonder what will happen when I start to go senile and walk around the neighborhood with no pants on.

JFJ: When you go senile? How will they know?

Me: Probably no one will be able to tell.

JFJ: It will be a smooth transition.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if this related, but I also like how you refer to snacks as "something to take the edge off".

You're smooth and easy, baby. Like a warm glass of sweet sake.

"Oh baby, what a world (as she rubs her face). Mind if I have some chips and you know, take off my pants? I just need something to take the edge off."

The Redhead said...

The consistency of my behavior is terrifying.