
Another mystery explained

I got home early for work and went for a run. I come back just as JFJ is getting ready to head out for his evening run.

JFJ: "Hi, baby. Did you have a good run?"

Me: "Yes. But explain this to me about men. I got the 'Woo-hoo!' from three different cars of guys. Do they really think that's a compliment?"

JFJ (knowing when he is trapped): "Uhhh..."

"What, do they think I'm going to be so excited to get cat-called that I'm going to stop running, and offer to get in the car and blow them all?"

"Hmm... I see your point..."


"But there's something you have to understand about my gender."

"Ok, explain."

"See, we'll play any odds. Even if we know the chances are one in a million, we'll go for it."

"So, guys yell out of cars on the off chance that one day they'll yell the right thing to that one crazy chick who's going to say 'Alright!' and jump in the car and give blow jobs all around?"

"Pretty much."

"Good to know."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me know if that does anything for yah.