
Gobble gobble

Hope you had a great Turkey Day! Most of my readers were just hoping to survive Thursday without causing grevious bodily injury to one of their relatives. JFJ and I are up at South Lake Tahoe, hoping and waiting for snow. That's right, HOPING for snow. As you know, I am about the farthest thing there is from a "snow bunny." But Heavenly has a limited opening tomorrow and I'm hoping to get a snowboard lesson in. My prediction? I'll be in the hospital in traction by noon. So cross your fingers (and whatever else) that everything goes smoothly!

P.S. If things do go badly tomorrow, I just want to get it out there that I wanted to go to Cabo San Lucas for Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C'mon - you know you want to release your inner snow bunny!