
There's no place like home.

To add to my legendary difficulties at the Honolulu Airport, my flight was delayed last night for 4 hours. Right before I got on the plane I heard one of the crew say, "Well, they took it on a test flight and they think they fixed it..." Great... We arrived in San Jose a little after 1am. By the time I got my luggage and my car and drove home, it was 3:30am. I'm going to post more about Australia, and more photos, tomorrow. I'll probably continue to complain about airport drama and how much I hate Hawaiian Airlines.

Right now it's time to head up to SF for Hoov's birthday dinner at Betelnut. Hoov's Friday was even worse than mine, and it was her birthday. Suck-diddly-uks. Can't wait to see the other Ya Ya's who weren't in Australia and will therefore be subjected to endless re-tellings of the same stories and explanations for why they are so damn funny.

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