
Mrs. MLE's Celebrity iTunes Playlist

I had to ask my friend "Emily" why she called herself "Mrs. MLE"... well, if you say the letters out loud... and you're not dumb like I am... it sounds like her name! Mrs. MLE was Ms. MLE when we started law school together. We were both paralegals, in the part time program, and on the same side of the fence politically. Since then, I've been delighted to find out more and more things that Mrs. MLE and I have in common, including fabulous taste in music! The photo below is the day Ms. MLE became Mrs. MLE in a beautiful Hawaiian wedding. Her husband, needless to say, is referred to ask "Mr. MLE."

DISCLAIMER: It was a very difficult exercise to narrow my playlist down. I resorted to listing to the ipod on shuffle and picking out songs that I really really like, don’t get sick of or automatically start dancing around to. I just had to stop myself at some point meaning the list is probably missing a lot and too long at the same time :)

Kiss Off
Violent Femmes
Violent Femmes

Basically any song off of this album gets my head bopping and feet bouncing. Just think of someone of someone who dumped you or really pissed you off and you are compelled to rock out. I almost chose “Add It Up” because it has the fantastic line of “I look at your pants…and I…I need a kiss.”

Do You Wanna Hold Me?
Bow Wow Wow

This song always puts a serene smile on my face and causes me to jump around. Now it makes me think of the beach and marrying Mr. MLE. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of it.

Blasphemous Rumors
Catching Up With DP

Did I mention I am an 80s girl? And was a chronically depressed teenager? I reminisce of those days, dressing in all black, writing dark things in my journal, not comprehending how the hell Reagan was re-elected (scary thing is now that doesn’t seem so bad!), getting disgusted with anybody who didn’t “get it” and buying Smiths’ tapes at Tower Records. It was between this and Somebody off of Depeche Mode 101, but Somebody was just a touch too positive. I really thought I was deep at 15 and that these lyrics profound.

Earth Wind & Fire
Earth, Wind and Fire: Greatest Hits

Maybe it was the sparkly, flowing outfits or the giant afros. Perhaps the tight horn section or, most likely, the scores of happy, singing and dancing people on stage when I got to see them on TV (B&W of course). Whatever it was, I loooooooooooved this group when I was little and I still love this song and many others. Makes me think of a happy, racially diverse environment a la Sesame Street (ie before reality finally crept in when I was about 9 and some girl called me a “prejudiced white bitch” for no particular reason). Did I mention I grew up in the bubble of Berkeley?

Lo Que Pidas
Julieta Venegas

I can’t have a list without any Rock en Español.
Julieta Venegas totally rocks! She’s the strong Latina
woman that is encompassed is so many Mexican and South
American novels. Not the siliconated bubble heads you
see prancing around wedgy pants and white boots on
Univision. She just simply rocks like sox in a box.

Ain’t That a Kick in the Head
Dean Martin
Capitol Collector’s Series: Dean Martin

I love me some drunken Rat Pack singing! This is one
of the best with Dino and a punctuating horn section.
You can practically taste the scotch swirling around
in his glass.

Ain’t Nobody
Chaka Khan
Epiphany – The Best of Chaka Khan

Excellent dancing-while-driving music. Good for
self-esteem, too. It’s got that 80s electro-poppy funk
R&B thing going on.

What I Am
Edie Brickel
Shooting Rubber Bands at the Stars

Kind of an anthem for me I guess. I listened to this
a lot following a big Tori Amos/Chris Isaak/10,000
Maniacs phase and right around when I stopped taking
myself so damn seriously. Some lines still make no
sense to me, but that’s part of its charm, I suppose.
Plus, it’s got a good beat and I can dance to it.

Sex and Candy
Marcy Playground

Maybe I just like songs that have lines that make no sense (“like disco lemonade”). I dig this guy’s voice. Groovin’ tune.

Sir Duke
Stevie Wonder
Songs in the Key of Life

Awesome horn section, groovin’ bassline, and a good message. I think I’ve actually scat out loud to this song. My poor children will likely be subjected to it over and over as my form of education!

For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her
Simon & Garfunkel
Simon & Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits

Um, it’s pretty. And romantic and stuff. No other reason, really ;)

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