
Be careful what you wish for...

The past week brought on an alarming rise in poundage. My poundage, that is. I got on the scale to find myself a whopping 5 lbs heavier than a week before. This is the week after a 21 mile run, which should only bring weight LOSS. Although I didn't feel any different, the numbers on the scale stayed on my mind and suddenly all my clothes felt tighter. In some kind of karmic balancing, today I lost a lot of weight, but unfortunately it was in ways that making involve frequent trips to the bathroom while walking funny.

So instead of going to the gym after work or enjoying the sunshine with an evening run, I'm lying on the couch feeling very, very sorry for myself. I live next to a church, which when I saw the place originally made me think it would be nice and quiet. I have come to realize that the church hosts a lot of events in the evening that involve lots of crowds, children running screaming around the parking lot and amplified sound. I can't tell you what they're saying because the voices are obscured and... I don't speak Spanish.

Here's a sampling of what I'm listening to:

Loud voice speaking commandingly.
Female voice, quieter, speaking in a somewhat pleading monotone.
Screeching noise, possibly an imitation of animals?
Long silence.
More of the monotone woman.
Sound of gong.
Extremely loud voice speaks commandingly again.
Long silence.
Crowd laughs.

What is going on over there?

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