
Oodles Celebrity iTunes Playlist

I foolishly disputed Oodles' claim that she had already sent me her playlist, so this should have been published some times ago! Reading her blog is what got me interested in starting my own. I always felt more in tune with what was going on her life - it helped me be a better friend (at least, I hope so). When we were in Costa Rica, she broke her foot while we were mountain biking on like the second day we were there. Everyone, including the doctor, thought it was a sprain. She continued with the trip with an amazing good attitude, despite the hiking and the jarring drives. It wasn't until weeks after we got home that we found out it was broken. In typical Ya Ya fashion, we frequently threaten to take mountain biking vacations. She just smiles.

In addition to being a music maven, keeping hundreds of kids healthy as her job and being the YaYa webmaster, she is also a remarkable photographer. What makes me insane with jealous rage about her photos is that she manages to correctly expose in difficult lighting situations - the low light parts of the photo still have detail, the brighter areas aren't washed out. Instead of pictures of the artists, I've sprinkled in some photos from her recent trip to Spain.

Freedom '90
George Michael

For some reason, I listened to this song over and over again before my high school basketball games. I'm not sure how this helped my game, but it did.

Brown Eyed Girl
Van Morrison

Somehow this became the theme song among my girlfriends in college. My best friend was proposed to with this song, and it seems to always be that one song that we know we will hear over and over again when we are together.

The Scientist

It's a sad song, and unfortunately reminds be of a terrible break-up.

In the Sun
Joseph Arthur

This was on my playlist when I was in India last year and reminds me of being there... even if it has nothing to do with India.

Brand New Colony
The Postal Service

I just can't seem to get enough of this song.

Family Affairs
Mary J. Blige

Takes me back to my sister's wedding, which is hands-down the most fun I have ever had at a wedding and where I danced and danced. It also was a huge family gathering.

Talvin Singh

In Punjabi, maybe even Hindi, it means "my life." It has special, bittersweet memories. Nowadays, the song has become a dance/trance song.

Hips Don't Lie

On my recent trip to Spain, this song came on the radio on the bus I was on, and in 5 seconds, I was on a party bus. The people on the bus got up and started dancing between the seats on the bus! To top it off, it is the song that led me to stay out until 4:30am the day I was leaving Spain, in some random club in Barcelona.

Beat It
Michael Jackson

When I was a kid, my sister, myself and two other kids thought we were the biggest Michael Jackson fans out there and would sing our hearts out to this song.

New Slang
The Shins

This is my new favorite, even though it's been out for awhile. If you haven't listened to the Garden State soundtrack, you are missing out! The song makes me feel blue but also makes me hopeful... it's hard to describe.

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