
The Wharf to Wharf race is in less than 12 hours... and I can't find my bib. I took extra care to be sure to be one of the people from work to sign up for my free registration, and even packed the bib in a "safe place" during the move so I could find it quickly when I unpacked. I have a really bad feeling the "safe place" is at work. Now, I have enough W2W shirts to cloth a large family - what I'm interested in is the refreshments at the end. I'm walking from my house to the start and then running back home after the race - about 12 miles. I was really hoping not to have to bring water and gu for the run since I could just get some kind sports drink at the end of the race to give me enough juice to get back home. I think I'm going to just head out in the morning and hope for the best. Doesn't that sound like a good idea?

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