
No More Kitty Litter Box!

I came home last night around 7pm to find my apartment full of shirtless, sweaty, tattooed men. Well, "full of" may be a bit of an overstatement since there were really only two of them but it seemed like it was full. I didn't mind them being there becuase they were almost done with my carpet. It makes a huge difference, it looks so new and smells great. The sweaty men apparently do not vacuum the carpet after they are done, so there were lots of little carpet bits for me to clean up. They swept the carpet, though. Men. Sigh.

Before the sweaty carpet guys came, I had been asked to put all the boxes that had not been unpacked (because the carpet still had to go in) into the kitchen and bathroom because those have a linoleum floor and, I assumed, the sweaty carpet guys would not need to get in there. Apparently I was wrong...

I noticed last night as I was unpacking that the boxes had been moved around. There was also a glass that had been used for water on the kitchen counter. When I left in the morning there was NO WAY anyone could have gotten to the sink, much less to the kitchen cabinet for a glass. So I'm not sure what occurred that the sweaty carpet guys had to get into the bathroom and the kitchen. At first I was a little nervous that my boxes had been moved around. Then when I went into the bedroom I realized they had to remove the drawers from my dresser to move it, which means they saw the World's Largest Bra Collection. I know this because they reversed the order of the drawers and put the bras at the bottom and the pajamas at the top (see "men," "sigh," above).

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