
A perfectly nice run ruined by large-scale international atrocities.

Well, I got to the race, had the usual crowd insanity that kept me from running it competitively. Felt like a bad ass running back while people were still finishing. Some of the people who cheer from the side were still there as I came back. As I passed a family putting away their lawn chairs, a girl yelled, "Hey! How far have you run?" I smiled at her and said, "About 9 miles." I could tell the distance didn't mean much to her but she went to the trouble of raising her eyebrows: "Cool." she said. I know how much effort it takes to get a "cool" out of a pre-teen, and it was at that moment that I decided I was officially a badass. I was tempted to revoke my title later when I was clocked by three lithe sprinters doing about an eight-minute-mile pace just as I was contemplating a walk break.

Came home, read about Lebanon, wanted to throw up. The UN High Commissioner of Human Rights was interviewed on NPR last week and brought up the possibility of investigating war crimes because of the high rate of civilian casualties. All this while Bush chews on a roll while Tony Blair tries to get his attention. Bush's answer: "Yeah, I think ahm gonna send Condi over there pretty soon." Is this The Decider we've heard so much about? Wow. You're blowing me away with the Decidin' while innocent people are being shelled by weapons my country sold to Israel.

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