
Molly update!

Nat's baby, who I have decided will be called Molly, has already showed how much she loves her Auntie Siobhan by being a girl.

Nat and Michael went to the ultrasound (sonagram? I never know the difference) on Monday and it has been confirmed that the baby, which is being called Mopsy in utero, will be of the female variety. Nat showed me a picture and said, "That's her vagina." Neither of us could tell from the blurry black and white photo, but there was another one where you could see her hand and it looked like she was waving! So cute. It's exciting to look at the photos and then look at Nat's tummy: Molly's in there! It's hard to believe. Then we took a ruler and measured 14 cm, which is how long Molly is right now, and we held the ruler up to Nat's tummy to see how big that is. It didn't look like much room to me, but CLA insists, "She's got swimming space in there." Nat's got a nice roomy uterus.

Nat is due January 28, so that gives me 131 shopping days, not including today. I better get to work if Molly is going to have the proper wardrobe when she arrives.

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