
Jenn sent me a link to one of her posts on Yelp.com, and I began tracking her progress on her posts. Much like the way she does tequila shots in Mexico, she was racking them up at an alarming rate. Then I saw a few things that I thought I should weigh in on, and boom, before you know it, I'd posted damn near a dozen reviews and was getting really stoked when my reviews would be marked with a "funny" or a "cool." By having a method of people telling you that you're "cool" Yelp.com has really tapped into the part of me that still desperately desires social acceptance. Turns out junior high isn't quite as over as I thought it was!

I have a sneaking suspicion that Yelping will eventually go the way of Friendster, and I'll regret all the time and energy I spent writing reviews in as "cool" a way as possible. In the meantime, check out my reviews by clicking on the yelp link on this blog, and be sure to check out "Jenn c." while you are there. Right now, she's my only friend, but I'm hoping to ride her yelp coattails to popularlity. Now if only I can find my old Guess jeans...

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