
Molly update!

Nat's baby, who I have decided will be called Molly, has already showed how much she loves her Auntie Siobhan by being a girl.

Nat and Michael went to the ultrasound (sonagram? I never know the difference) on Monday and it has been confirmed that the baby, which is being called Mopsy in utero, will be of the female variety. Nat showed me a picture and said, "That's her vagina." Neither of us could tell from the blurry black and white photo, but there was another one where you could see her hand and it looked like she was waving! So cute. It's exciting to look at the photos and then look at Nat's tummy: Molly's in there! It's hard to believe. Then we took a ruler and measured 14 cm, which is how long Molly is right now, and we held the ruler up to Nat's tummy to see how big that is. It didn't look like much room to me, but CLA insists, "She's got swimming space in there." Nat's got a nice roomy uterus.

Nat is due January 28, so that gives me 131 shopping days, not including today. I better get to work if Molly is going to have the proper wardrobe when she arrives.


What's up with this spinach thing, eh? Kind of makes you wonder what they were doing to the produce.

I still can't find the bloody USB cord for my camera. I have fabulous and shameful photos that I am prepared to post on the internet and I can't because I'm missing hardware. Maybe this is a sign that I should finish unpacking the gigantic pile of "stuff" on my desk. I bet I'd find the cord. Too distracted by Yelping at the moment, though.

Pumpkin Down Under

Guess what, homes? I'm going to Australia. I've joined the Ya Ya's Down Under Trip*. We're arriving in Sydney on December 18 and leaving fromt he same place on January 2nd.... um, that's as far as we've gotten. But I'm sure there will be more planning done soon!

*This is an Official Ya Ya Event as sanctioned by the Ya Ya Adventures Abroad Board, a division of the Ya Ya Organization. All Ya Ya Events are conducted under the official Ya Ya Rules. See Ya Ya Blog for details.


Bar fights!

Whew. What a weekend. Between the stripper and the triathlon and the driving 350 miles, I feel like I've been in a bar fight. Ok, I don't know what it feels like to be in a bar fight, but I bet you feel like you want to sleep for about 15 hours. No such luck, though! I lobbied my gym to start morning classes and, largely at my insistence, they started a 6am spin class. So I'm sort of obligated to go. I'll have to blog more about the assorted hijinks of the weekend when I'm able to type without resting my head on the keyboard. I hope that will be tomorrow.


Jenn sent me a link to one of her posts on Yelp.com, and I began tracking her progress on her posts. Much like the way she does tequila shots in Mexico, she was racking them up at an alarming rate. Then I saw a few things that I thought I should weigh in on, and boom, before you know it, I'd posted damn near a dozen reviews and was getting really stoked when my reviews would be marked with a "funny" or a "cool." By having a method of people telling you that you're "cool" Yelp.com has really tapped into the part of me that still desperately desires social acceptance. Turns out junior high isn't quite as over as I thought it was!

I have a sneaking suspicion that Yelping will eventually go the way of Friendster, and I'll regret all the time and energy I spent writing reviews in as "cool" a way as possible. In the meantime, check out my reviews by clicking on the yelp link on this blog, and be sure to check out "Jenn c." while you are there. Right now, she's my only friend, but I'm hoping to ride her yelp coattails to popularlity. Now if only I can find my old Guess jeans...


Real men don't wear pants.

Feel strongly about kilts?

You are not the only one.


Making up for lost time...

Thank goodness that one of the Ya Ya’s is a better blogger than I am! You can read about J’s birthday winetasting here, and the Ya Ya camping trip here.

Well now, all I have to do is write about Vegas (waiting to find the USB cord to my camera), my court victory, and the broken air conditioning. I’m not going to talk about The Boy That I Like ("TBTIL"). It’s just not a good idea to put details of your dating life on the internet.


It's been so long since I updated the blog that I have a backlog of exciting events:

1. Birthday spectacular in Vegas.
2. Ya Ya camping trip.
3. The unqualified success that was my first court appearance.
4. J's birthday wine tasting extravaganza.
5. I like a boy.
6. The air conditioning in my car is broken.