
Otter flipper

Well, the Otter done gone and broked his leg. He was snowboarding at Dodge Ridge a couple weeks ago and took a spill.* He was landing a jump and the front of his snowboard wedged into a drift and stayed put as he fell forward. Ankle sprained, fibula broked. He hobbled around on it until Monday morning when he went to see the doctor. I am going to see if I can scan the x-rays because when you look at them you wonder HOW he managed to walk around. That bone is just snapped.

Good news: no cast, no surgery, no time off work

Bad news: crutches and a leg brace for six to eight weeks.

He's being a super trooper about the whole thing, but it's really hard for him not to be working out. Any suggestions for good movies or board games would be very welcome!

*It was his second big spill of the day, although he thinks I don't know about the first one. Advice for Otters: The Redhead ALWAYS knows.

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