
Can I just point out how quickly it was translated into French?

I've been hearing a lot about the new book The No Asshole Rule by Robert Sutton. The book is about creating a work environment in which people with severally bad attitudes (in other words, jerks) are not allowed. From what I've read so far, by "not allowed" Sutton means they are fired or, better yet, not hired in the first place. I think this sounded like a great idea until I saw an online quiz that you can take to determine whether you are the asshole. It never occurred to me that it might be me until I had the opportunity to test it. As you might imagine, an online quiz doesn't really provide enough depth to root out assholism without asking pretty obvious questions. Still, it's a good tool to identify negative behavior - even if it's my own!

Are you an asshole? Take the test and find out.

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